Today in Music

May, 12

  • 1999 George Jones pleads guilty in Franklin, Tenn., to driving while impaired and violating the state’s open-container law, in charges stemming from his near-fatal March 6 car accident. Jones, who gets to keep his driver’s license, is fined $550.
  • 1971 Mick Jagger and Bianca Perez-Mora marry in St. Tropez, France.
  • 1967 Archie Bell of the Drells is drafted into the military for a tour of Vietnam.
  • 1964 Ray Charles’ “Busted” wins a Grammy as Best R&B Recording.
  • 1963 Bob Dylan is invited to appear on TV’s “Ed Sullivan Show,” but refuses when he is forbidden to sing “Talking John Birch Society Blues.”
  • 1948 Steve Winwood is born in Birmingham, England. He is the lead singer of the 1960s bands the Spencer Davis Group, Blind Faith and Traffic. He establishes a successful solo career in the 1980s and has two No. 1 singles: “Higher Love” and “Roll with It.”
  • 1942 Singer/songwriter Billy Swan is born in Cape Giradeau, La. His biggest hit is the 1978 No. 1 hit “I Can Help.”